Philip Parslov

M.Sc Computer Science, E*MBA

I led an advanced analytics consultancy with offices in Denmark, Philippines and Australia for over 20 years. A few 🙂 years back I studied at the AI Laboratory of University of New South Wales where I was introduced to Paul Compton and his research.

+45 4275 1943

Line Klit Olsen

M.Sc. Engineering, MBA, Certified Board Member (Board Company Denmark)

Tech companies are my ‘home’ and I have almost 20 years of experience from building, transforming, out/insourcing and scaling organisational capabilities and technology platforms.

Paul Compton

Emeritus Professor at University of New South Wales

I worked at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research for 20 years before joining the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW in 1990 where I was head of school for about 12 years. My research focus is knowledge acquisition and maintenance.